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“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”


~ Anonymous

Stewardship is the long-term monitoring and care of the properties. Our land steward volunteers visit each of our properties at least once a year to walk the boundary lines and check for encroachment or unauthorized use. 

In addition to checking for man-made issues, such as dumping and litter, our stewards also check for invasive plant species that may crowd out native flora and fail to provide the proper food for the herbivores who share our preserves.

These activities are documented in writing as well as photographs, and the reports create a long-term record for each SLCT preserve.

Our stewards are also encouraged to contact landowners whose properties surround our preserves. This helps provide an important line of communication between the community and SLCT. After all, we’re neighbors and ought to be acquainted!

We are always looking for new steward volunteers. Since many of our preserves are not open to the public, it’s a great way to see parts of Stamford that few people get to enjoy! If you’re interested, please fill out the contact form so we can meet and determine which preserves would be a good match.

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Thank you for your interest!


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